I've written before that we bedshare with the little one. Even though +3 has said that the little one should be sleeping in his own room, I said that we should wait till he could open the doors to our rooms easily in case he wakes up in the middle of the night.
I get it. We don't want the boy to become dependant on sleeping with us as he gets older, but he's only 2+, and I do enjoy having him in the bed with us.
However, last night, the boy trotted to his room after changing to his PJs and brushing his teeth. "Sleep in bed," he said, crawling up into his bed.
I asked if he wanted to sleep in mama's bed and he said no.
Anyway, I didn't want to discourage him but I wasn't ready for him to sleep alone in his room, so we brought his bed into the room with us.
Last night he slept in his bed but woke up in the middle of the night crying. We ended up putting back in our bed and he slept soundly till late in the morning.
Tonight, he said he wanted to sleep in his bed again and he just woke up again. Carried him for a while and when he calmed down, I put him back in his bed where he is still sleeping.
I've got mixed feelings. Part of me is happy that he is growing up and asserting his independence and need for his own space. But part of me misses my baby sleeping next to me, holding my hair and snoring next to my ear.
Parenthood isn't easy but I'm loving this journey so far.