Tuesday, March 6, 2018

My Roundabout Train of Thought

Was at the kitchen this evening when +3 walked in. For some reason, the both of us decided to raise our hands in the air and pump it banghra style, which reminded me of an old blog post I read today at the office. 

I wanted to share the story of the night we went to the Rupee Room, but somehow ended up telling +3 about my meeting in the office this afternoon. Which led me to tell him about some back story about work. And by the time I finished telling him about my meeting, I had no idea why I was talking about it and he reminded me that I was telling him about my colleague, Jul. 

And I was talking about Jul because I was giving her a live blow-by-blow account of the meeting which she thought was funny and suggested that I should blog. Which made me read some of my old blog entries, which included the one about the Rupee Room which was what I wanted to tell +3 about because of our hands-in-the-air dancing just a few minutes ago. 


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