Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Sister's Wedding

Mark and my sister finally got married over the weekend. The relatives flew in from all over- Australia, Philippines, Dubai, America, Malaysia... And I had a wonderful time catching up with everyone.

I spent a lot more time with Karen and Darwin- perhaps it was because we were all pretty much on the same wavelength and didn't mind having a few more drinks than the rest. The last time I saw Karen was in 2002 and Darwin, 1991!!!

I also had the chance to spend more time with my brother, which I thought was very nice. I realise that I don't have any more anger towards him, probably part of the growing up process. And it was nice to talk to him like a friend.

The wedding was fabulous. From the gatecrashing in the morning, to the ceremony at lunch. The after wedding party was a hoot and everyone had such a great time. Gotta say it was a lot more fun than my wedding last time. (Nevermind, round 2 will be much better. Wahahahaha.)

Anyway, back to work. It's hard getting back to the grind but necessary, I suppose. We fly to Beijing next week!

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