Sunday, August 26, 2018


The boy asked me this morning, "Top up water bottle? Cos so little water inside." 

Wow. It's really amazing to see him develop in different aspects. Stringing words together and forming sentences. 

He is also quite the joker. When I say goodnight he will sometimes laugh and say good morning! 

If you tell him something that is wrong, he will also correct you. The other day I pointed at a yellow car and said, banana! And he replied, YELLOWWWWW CARRRRRRR! 


Now to focus on his mandarin. I know I need to be more consistent with speaking mandarin with him, but with me being the only mandarin speaking person at home, it's really quite tough. 

I'm trying with words for colours, numbers, and objects like fruit and vegetables. But progress is slower compared to how well he speaks English. 

I've tried playing mandarin children videos on youtube but the ones I've seen aren't that impressive. Oh well, just gotta keep trying.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I Am A Fairytale Princess Now

With the little one now sleeping in his bed at night, there's more space on our bed. Sometimes though, he wakes up in the middle of the night and will say "mama hair" or "want some more hair" or "mama lie on bed, hair" which are really just requests for me to scoot over to the edge of my bed and rapunzel my hair down the side of the bed so he has something to hold on to. Lol.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Fart is Funny

Me: close your eyes and sleep
AC: close your eyes and fart hahahahahahahaha

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


How is my little baby now a cheeky little joker with the sweetest heart? How has it already been two and a half years? The boy loves to laugh and likes to say silly words and gets us to repeat it or sing it and he will laugh and laugh and laugh. Last night we spent quite some time singing random songs about a-bla-bla-bla. Lol.

Sometimes, he will ask me to cry. Then when I go waaaaaaaaah he will come up to me and pat pat pat my shoulder till I stop, then say "no more crying!" Hehe so sweet. Likewise when I tell him that there is some part of me that is painful, he will gently stroke the area and say "pain pain, go away! No more pain." 


My sister and family was in town for a month in July and it was really awesome go see the kids play together. Her baby was too young to join in the fun, and initially AC would get jealous and cryyyyy when me or nanny would pick up the baby. Over time he got used to it, and would even ask to carry the baby or give him hugs.

The two firstborns got along together and had so much fun. It was so cute to see the older girl teach him how to ask for things (Can I borrow your toy please?) and he would follow her when she ate her meals and he would want to feed himself and finish his food too. 

They would run around and laugh and jump on the bed and it was such a joy to watch. Now I feel like I need to have more playdates with other kids! 


He has also started sleeping in his own bed, only crawling back into bed with us in the initial days and also when he was not feeling too well. It's amazing to see how much he has grown, and how big he is getting. While I enjoy having more space in bed, one habit he hasn't outgrown is the need to hold my hair when he is falling asleep. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, he will call out "Mama? Hair... Lie down.." and will wait for me to lie down close enough to the edge of the bed and let my hair fall down so he can grab at it. 


Ok, better get back to work now.