Sunday, August 26, 2018


The boy asked me this morning, "Top up water bottle? Cos so little water inside." 

Wow. It's really amazing to see him develop in different aspects. Stringing words together and forming sentences. 

He is also quite the joker. When I say goodnight he will sometimes laugh and say good morning! 

If you tell him something that is wrong, he will also correct you. The other day I pointed at a yellow car and said, banana! And he replied, YELLOWWWWW CARRRRRRR! 


Now to focus on his mandarin. I know I need to be more consistent with speaking mandarin with him, but with me being the only mandarin speaking person at home, it's really quite tough. 

I'm trying with words for colours, numbers, and objects like fruit and vegetables. But progress is slower compared to how well he speaks English. 

I've tried playing mandarin children videos on youtube but the ones I've seen aren't that impressive. Oh well, just gotta keep trying.

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