Monday, March 11, 2019

Hello, Hello

So I'm writing this cos someone asked me over the weekend why I don't blog anymore. For one, I've just been rather lazy and caught up with life, and also, I didn't know anyone read this page anymore! 

Lol, so hello, hello. This post is for you.

Anyway, my last proper update was last year's trip to HK, and I didnt even finish that. We ended our trip in Disneyland, which was wonderful as usual. The boy enjoyed the rides, and actually stayed awake way past his nap time both days we were there. 

Plus point of the trip? He didn't fall sick! Hurrah! 

2018 came and went, and now we are already into the third month of 2019. Yikes. TIME FLIES. 

The little one turned 3 this year and we celebrated his birthday in school with cake and presents for his classmates (mini tubs of playdoh which you can get in a bulk pack). It's really nice to see how he interacts with his friends in school, and how much they have grown over the last year since he started. 

We spent CNY in Indonesia with the family - a laid back and lazy trip. The best kind, really. The boy enjoyed his train rides, but poor mama had a sore back from carrying him while he enjoyed his snooze. We didn't pack as many diapers this time round, as he is being potty trained, and had to really ration them out when he had a bout of diarea in the first couple of days. 

Anyway, potty training has officially begin and he even wears underwear in school. He isn't 100% potty trained yet and sometimes forgets to tell us when he needs to go pee or poop, resulting in a very wet pillow last night at dinner (he sits on a pillow on the dining chair so he is propped up a little higher). But otherwise, he is happy to yell out MAMA I NEED TO POOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO then sprint to the toilet. 

The boy also is such a chatterbox and basically nonstop talking from the time he wakes up to the time he goes to bed. I wonder where he got that from? (guilty look). Hehehe. He is a funny little fella as well, and likes to say the opposite to get a laugh (like, if you say Good morning! he will say Good night!). He also likes making up words and laughing when we repeat it (word of the day now is ALIBO!). I need to work on his mandarin though. 

He started swimming classes with 2 other kids from the estate and so far seems to be enjoying himself. He doesn't dare to do some stuff like float, but will listen to the swimming coach and do it anyway. 

Conversation when trying to get him to float on his back 
Coach: Trust me. 
AC: I don't. 


What have we got planned for the rest of 2019? A trip to Perth in May (yay!) to celebrate Ma's 70th. We'll be there for a week and I think it will be nice to catch up and hang out with the family there. 

There is a nice 4 day weekend in August over National Day and I have half a mind to book a room facing the padang to enjoy the fireworks but the hotel rooms are expensive. Pfft. 

I think that's about it? Life is good :) 

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