Monday, May 4, 2015

May The Fourth Be With You

Wow it's already May! Been rather slack with my updates and thanksgiving posts on this page. Don't really have any excuse except that life just happens.

April was a quiet month. +3 started a job at a new company, which so far seems like a much better place than where he was previously.

We travelled to Bandung to attend the funeral of his uncle, who passed away quite suddenly. While it was a sad occasion, being there made me feel like a closer part of the family.

I also submitted my resignation at work, but there have been discussions on the work load and asking me to stay on on a part time scheme. Pros and cons to that, and it's hard to make a decision without speaking with my boss (who has been on a long mc).

Plans for this year is to really try to get pregnant, and we've started taking things a bit more seriously (seeing a gynae and all) so hopefully there will be good news to share soon.

With all these job changes, we've not gone on our honeymoon! But that's ok, I guess. I'm sure we will find time when we need to.

That's pretty much it. Family and friends have been well, and life is good. :)

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