Friday, September 29, 2017

Digging for Gold

Guess who has learnt to pick his nose and successfully dig out some boogers? 

For the past couple of weeks, babyAC would just shove his finger in his nose and then pull it out, but today something must have clicked (maybe it's the song "One Little Finger" with the corresponding finger action). While we were at the supermarket he struck gold, pulling out his finger with a wet shimmering booger at the very tip. 

"Eee!" he says, pointing his booger in my face. "Eeeeeee!" 

I clean the booger off his grimy finger, and he gets to work again. I think the fact that I hadn't cut his fingernails in almost two weeks is another reason for his digging success. A few more boogers and "eeee!"s later, and the boy is satisfied. 

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