Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Magic Time

I don't know what it is about the time 20:20 but each time my clock ticks to this timing, the little one will drop what he is doing and go to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Miss this magic timing and he will negotiate and bargain and generally put up a huge resistance to getting ready for bed. 

Perhaps it is because they are learning about the dates in class, and every day the teacher writes the date on the class whiteboard. 

2020 年, 3 月,29 日 

is what would be on the board if he had class today. Perhaps that's why 20 seems to be his favourite number? Or maybe it's cos he can count to 20 (although now he can do his 30s and 40s too). Hmmm.


Enrichment classes are suspended for now so we've had to do his Chinese class for this week at home. I was running through some of the words that he had learnt before and I was surprised that he could remember how to read them! 


Staying home more these days cos of the covid-19 situation. Worried about family overseas but hoping that everyone will be safe. 

I don't think I used to wash my hands so much, and now that I am, I'm actually not falling sick as I was in the past. Eeeks. This hand hygiene thing really works eh.


Almost end of March 2020 and what a year it has been so far. Hope things stabilise somewhat sooner than later. Interesting times we are living in!

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