Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another 10 Things That I'm Grateful For

In a good mood today, probably because..

1. I'm able to recognise that I can change the way I feel and react by deciding to feel and react differently. Decide that you'll have a better working relationship with your new boss, and guess what? You'll have a better working relationship with your new boss.

2. I have faith that things will turn out for the best. I'm not a psychic and cannot predict the future, what I can decide what is best for me and believe that it will happen.

3. I have a wonderful relationship with my sister where we can sit down over dinner and talk about anything and everything. Spending time with her puts me in a good mood.

4. I enjoy the company of my colleagues, which makes me enjoy my day in the office. My colleagues are there to give me support when things are down, cheer me on when things are going well, and laugh with me when all else fails.

5. I have internet access and MSN, which allows me to stay in touch with so many people at a go. Facebook too!

6. I'll be going to Da Nang, Vietnam next week and spending time with my cousin and his wife. Holidays are da bomb!

7. The photos from JH's birthday dinner are up and everyone looks fantastic in them. Love the family photo where no one had double chins. Heehee.

8. Went to the gym and did a spot of cardio (ran 2km at a much faster speed than usual and did the rower for 10min) and weights. Ogled at the guys in the gym, but alas, they are all probably too young. Lol.

9. Had yummy Korean food for lunch and bought the yummy corn chips from the Korean shop. Slurp. Good food is a godsend.

10. Rediscovering the power of being positive and believing in yourself.

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