Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lights, Camera, Action!

We've finished our basic photography lessons and have now moved on to learning about various aspects of art photography. So far, we're learning about realism photography and landscape photography.

Had an intensive full-day class today, starting with a photo shoot outing at the Guan Yin temple, and then theory lessons on landscape photography. (We had our theory lessons on realism photography last week.)

The photo shoot was very interesting, and I got to learn a lot more about exposure and lighting today. Also got to play around with Alvin's cameras- his Olympus dslr and pen. I likey.

It's amazing how much more control you get when you use a dslr. Coupled with my new found knowledge in adjusting exposure and the like, I really got a chance to experience first hand why people would opt for this instead of a normal point-and-shoot camera.

The landscape theory class was also very eye-opening, especially when the teacher showed us various pictures that he has taken over the years. Respect. His pictures are ridiculously beautiful and it really humbles and makes you feel honoured to be taking lessons from him.

Although his class dragged on for six hours (yes, six), he gave very good pointers on taking landscape photographs. And his passion and enthusiasm for photography is quite contagious, you leave the class tired and drained but so excited to practise what he has just taught you.

Now all I need to do is figure out what camera and lens to buy. Hmmm.

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