Monday, March 30, 2009

The Lack Of Updates

Yeah I have realised that I'm not updating here as often anymore, but there really isn't much to say when all I've been engrossed with the past few weeks were *gasp* work. It's busying up at the office and the late nights and working weekends have started.

I worked through a cold and fever on Wednesday and Thursday and was still feeling under the weather on Friday and Saturday, but the citron honey tea that my colleagues bought for me really did help speed up the recovery process. I canceled all plans to go out on Sunday, even though I was sorely tempted to meet up with LGG and Pam for lunch. The rest was much needed and I most of the day in bed just reading a book and chilling out.

Met up with Ki for diner and drinks on Friday night- leaving the office earlier than I had been the past few nights and just spending a nice time chatting and catching up. She paid for evening (yaay!) so it was the closest thing to a date that I've had in a while. Lol. We didn't stay out for too late because we were both tired and I had to work the next day.

Was in the office till hmmm 5pm on Saturday and headed down to Vivocity to meet my sister for dinner there. We had those charcoal-grilled skewer things at Shin Kushiya and walked around for a bit before stocking up on more citron honey tea for the home. Yaay!

Cousin.SF came over for dinner on Sunday and we had popiah for dinner. Was nice to just chill out and watch TV and much on koniyaku jellies. Hehehe.

Alright, better get ready to go to the office now. It's already Monday and the end of the month!

(Oh and in other good news, Eunice delivered a healthy baby yesterday afternoon!)

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