Sunday, July 10, 2011


Didn't venture too far out over the weekend as the weather was unbearingly hot. Decided to keep within the Park Street area and explore that various eateries that Kolkata was famous for.

During my stay here, I had lunch at Bar-B-Q with my students, and had the usual Indian fare- naans, butter chicken, some dahl thing and hmm I can't really remember what else. Also tried the Indian Chinese food (there is no such thing as Chinese food in India) at Flavors of China (which was right next to Bar-B-Q).

After reading up on recommended places to eat, I walked over to try the sizzler at Peter Cat, and had to wait for a seat for almost 20 minutes (it was a crowded Saturday night). Bought a rum ball and also had a meal at Flury's too and also bought a book at the Oxford bookstore.

India ceases to charm as much and I feel oddly detached when I'm here. I look at the people milling around on the streets, the cars honking on the roads, the endless hustle and bustle of the city- and I feel nothing. My many trips to India has armed me with the necessary experience to navigate around without being cheated by touts or being harrassed by beggars, but the sense of excitement and anticipation that I used to feel doesn't exist anymore.

Sure, the food tastes as good as always and I'm always happy to chomp into an eggroll or a neatly wrapped paan. But I don't feel connected to the country like I used to.

Ah well, perhaps this is just part and parcel of what one has to go through.

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