Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why Feelings Don't Make Sense

Sigh. The grasshopper unfollowed me from Twitter today. "Yeah, so what? You unfollowed him first right?" you may ask.

Well, all I can say is I don't know. I don't know why it made me feel sad all over again, and even though LGG says he has to move on too, it still sucks.


So I met esdee for a pint (or three) at Harry's and we had a nice catch up. Man, I've not seen her in 14 years! We talked about all and sundry and drowned our boy-sorrows at the pub. Drinking on an empty stomach = quick buzz. Nice.

Had dinner with Sharon and Linda after. What's with me catching up with old school friends today? Lol. Treated myself to a nice steak, had a banana split and made my way home.

Emotional eater I am.

I shouldn't be getting affected by what he does, after all it's not like I tweet for his benefit. Half my tweets are ramblings about how I don't wanna wake or what I want to eat. But feelings don't make sense, do they? The heart can't help but be illogical.

So just like everything he has said and done in the past month, it's one more sign to cutting all ties between us. I wish I didn't still feel so sad, but I do.

Time to move on.


Renee said...

Emotional eater anonymous... welcome

bunnygoeszen said...

My favourite phrase these days is om nom nom nom. LOL